Nos Akanishi Jinnl, mr meg sem lepdnk, ha rappel, beatboxol, vagy ppen angolul nekel, vagy kiabl. gy volt ez most is a QoP koncertturnn is, ahol ppen egy EMINEM szmbl idzett. Hmmmm ez a stlus is igazn jl ll neki, nah s persze ismtelten meghallgathattuk a mr hrhedt vagy inkbb hres magas hangokat is :D
Forget about Dre
by Eminemep & Dr. Dre
(仁~Forget about Dre (rap))
Nowadays everybody wanna talk like they got something to say
But nothing comes out when they move their lips; just a bunch of gibberish
And motherfuckers act like they forgot about Dre
Nowadays everybody wanna talk like they got something to say
But nothing comes out when they move their lips; just a bunch of gibberish
And motherfuckers act like they forgot about Dre
Akr le is tlthetitek ITT
Credit: luvjin |